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西门子,通用电气,通过阻止欧盟节能灯中国« Reuse world

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-05-24 浏览:167

“的初步结果日落复审今年10月进行。” 9月3日,厦门电子有限公司董事总经理林告诉记者贾期肮从7月20日开始,在中国与能源欧盟节能灯行业五年反倾销调查,欧盟贸易委员会对中国的能源发起节能灯行业的“日落复审”。
的“中国的能源日落复审节能灯企业可能是一个机会,复苏,但没有在中国制造商的手中。该倡议的手” 9月1日,中国照明电器协会陈燕生告诉记者。
作为回应,欧盟贸易专员曼德尔森公开表示,如果实施反倾销,对环境恶化的结果,应避免中国的能源推广节能灯的反倾销税。 06.9.6

Siemens, General Electric, by blocking the EU energy-saving lamp China

This is the EUs export business difficult turn for the better or more thorough end? Jia Qiang anxiously waiting the results.

the so-called will determine the entry into force of anti-dumping is to continue or terminate. Jia Qiang
the same as waiting for the results of energy-saving lamps have many domestic manufacturers, CCCME legal department told reporters stakeholders.
for the outcome of the review, Jia Qiang not very optimistic, because, Jia Qiang said.
Siemens group of General Electric lamps力阻China
Jia Qiang told reporters that it was his understanding that in this sunset review, the Siemens Group has clearly indicated that Chinese manufacturers continue to conduct anti-dumping proceedings.
OSRAM is an important member of the Siemens Group, is the worlds energy-saving lamp industry, anti-dumping investigations.
Longan Law Firm Shenzhen Branch Director贾红卫lawyers said.
September 1, China Association of Lighting Electric陈燕生told reporters.
s energy-saving lamps is about eight billion U.S. dollars, but exports to the EU, only 130 million U.S. dollars. The huge EU market is basically still in the hands of OSRAM, Philips and other companies hands.
And now, in China CCCME organization already has dozens of energy-saving lamp enterprises in China have decided to participate in the sunset review.陈燕生where China Association of Lighting Electric Association is also involved with the work of vendors to communicate.
in Jia Qiang, China manufacturers Osram blocked the current attitude of powerlessness,
s second largest lamp manufacturers in Foshan Lighting 13.47% stake. Philips
to lobby the EU anti-dumping revocation

In fact, as the world, because of their lighting has been basically the transfer of production bases to China - In Europe, Philips is only in Poland retained the services of an energy-saving lamp factory, mainly produces high-end energy-saving lamps. Yaming except Philips Lighting Co., Ltd. Shanghai, the Philips in China energy-saving lamp exports to the EU market when the same anti-dumping duties be imposed. Energy-saving lamps in the European market, Philips is currently the market share of around 35 percent in sales of many products must be imported from China.
s energy-saving lamp industry levy anti-dumping duties, China cheap good quality energy-saving lamp products to European consumers will be more use of energy-saving lamps, energy-saving lamps in order to bring the whole industry. Philips
statement to the European Commission to provide the data shows that in the past five years, the Chinese energy-saving lamp industry in anti-dumping investigations, the EU internal energy-saving lamps prices rose 25 percent, Philips stressed.
艾马希, revealed to reporters the EU before any major policy, we must listen to the views of industry, especially the views of some large companies, Philips will use this opportunity to lobby the European Union.
In response, EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson has said in public that if the implementation of anti-dumping resulted in the deterioration of the environment, they should avoid the extension of Chinas energy-saving lamps anti-dumping duties. (06-9-6)

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