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中国家电制造业:产业竞争和发展的四个阶段« Reuse world

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-05-24 浏览:195

4,中国的{dy}代创业者一般都没有做好准备的行业代表的接班人之一。 06.9.6

Chinese household electrical appliance manufacturing industry: industry competition and the four stages of development

First, Chinese household electrical appliance manufacturing industry competition and the development of the mid-
80 A Brief History, Chinese household electrical appliance manufacturing industry began to have the scale of development, has largely gone through four stages of competition and development:
1, production of competitive stages (80 In the mid-late -80). Market demand in a serious state of a seller naturally rolling.
2, the quality of the competition phase (early 90s in the mid -90). Market by gradually moving towards an over-supply of the state of demand, consumers gradually have the opportunity to choose the brand, and the choice of the main criteria is quality, quality, sales on the large profits, and firm size can also continue to expand. The quality of the brand as a means of identification signs, its value began to be displayed.
3, the marketing competition stage (mid-90s during the late -90). Market has gradually been in a serious over-supply of the state of a buyer, the market gradually broken down. Because the difference is not the essence of the brand Products, brands and sales channels that is highlighted by the value of marketing, who attach importance to marketing, who has a great importance to further understand the marketing of marketing leaders, who have a will to do brand and sales channel marketing team, who will be able to win competitive advantage. Although the service at a time when the very loud shout, in fact, only a corporate marketing tool.
4, the management of the competition phase (2000 -2006 years). Market will be a serious over-supply to the relative balance between supply and demand (the demise of a large number of brands may be 2-3 months leaving only a comprehensive 20-30 home appliance business and professional category manufacturing enterprises), consumers not only have complete right to choose the brand and have rational ability to identify market segments is also relatively more. At this point, competition among enterprises has risen to the overall strength of the overall competition stage and the elements of competition has increased for the strategic management of the overall management of stage, contains three levels:
First, the development of strategic management, that is, you have to professional development , related diversification, unrelated diversification, and even home appliances industry, such as exit strategy for enterprise development to make a clear choice.
Second, strategic management competition, that is, if you choose to continue in the home appliance industry, you have to cost leadership, differentiation, centralized in three major competitive strategy choice and implementation firm, has no time for you to: to go around.
are three core competitiveness of management, that is, if you choose a kind of competitive strategy, you have to put this strategy in place. For example, you choose a competitive strategy of differentiation, you must be in your products, brands and channels and competition in the market recognized brand differences; If you select the full range of cost-leadership competitive strategy, you must have specific measures to reduce costs, so that the real cost of their own ahead of rivals.
Second, Chinese household electrical appliance manufacturing industry can place songs
1, Chinas modern industrial era
the seeds are from the beginning of the End of Qing Dynasty, in the times do not have much development. After the liberation of the first 30 years has achieved rapid development, but is limited to the Cold War mentality and the planned economy era of steel and energy industries, but also the level of quality and efficiency with the world advanced level vary greatly. Chinas highest achievements.
2, Chinas market economy development model
Chinese home appliance industry since the early 90s market economy a model for the industry.
3, the international competitiveness of the Chinese model
Chinas advanced level of technology, equipment, management and with the international Advanced Enterprise joint venture, one of the largest industries.
three, Chinese household electrical appliance manufacturing industry may be the place weeping
1, duplication of investment in China, one of the industry representatives;
2, China
3, Chinese enterprises attach importance to the concept of excessive speculation on behalf of one of the industry;
4, Chinas first generation of entrepreneurs generally did not prepare well successors on behalf of one of the industry. (06-9-6)

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