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作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-06-22 浏览:776


Well .嗯。 . I can show you two ways.我可以告诉你两种方法。 The first is the way all old school florists learn in flower arranging lessons 101.首先是所有的老学校的方式,安排课程101花店花学习。 That is to wire and tape each flower head individually, then build on each flower by adding in filler flowers and silk leaves, taping each as you go.这是电线和磁带每个单独花头,然后在加入填料和丝绸叶子花,盘带每个基础上每花,当您去。

Brand New Flower Corsage Ideas - Adhesive Glue!花胸花全新理念 - 不干胶!

Learning how to make a wrist corsage is one of the most time consuming chores for a new florist - and it would certainly be a chore for a busy bride right before her wedding!学习如何使手腕胸花是其中一个为新的花店最耗时的家务 - 这肯定会成为一个繁忙的新娘结婚前,她的右琐事!

I am intent on showing you the easiest and quickest way to make a diy wrist flowers.我对你的意图,最简单的显示和最快的方式作出自己动手做手腕花。 Therefore, I will show you how to attach flowers to a flower bracelet using a handy little tube of floral glue.因此,我将告诉你如何附加鲜花花手镯使用简便的花胶小管。

Using floral glue as pictured above, simply snip the heads of your flowers close to the base of the stem and glue in place.使用上面花胶如图示,只需剪断你的花接近干和地方胶基地的负责人。

Please be sure to use a special adhesive made for fresh flowers.请务必使用一个特殊粘合剂鲜花的。 The one I use is OASIS® Floral Adhesive.我是用一个绿洲®花胶。 It dries quickly and is waterproof.它干得很快,防水。 Unlike hot glue guns, which adhesives pop off and crack in the refrigeration, this glue will hold your flowers firmly without damage to the blossoms.不同于热胶枪,其中胶粘剂流行起飞和打击在制冷,这胶水将牢牢把握不损伤您的鲜花盛开。 When I first was learning how to make a wrist corsage .当我{dy}次是学习如何使手腕胸花。 . I found this out this little tip in a hurry!我发现这一点在匆忙的一角!

To picture shows it being glued into a handmade wrist bracelet made out of OASIS Decorative Aluminum Wire.为了图片显示它正在成为一个由手工手腕绿洲装饰铝线了手镯胶合。

This brightly colored wire comes in a lot of different colors.这鲜艳线采用的是不同的颜色很多。 It is easily bent and can be shaped into a coiled wire to go around the wrist - thus designing your own flower bracelet!它很容易弯曲,可分为一盘条形状,以绕过手腕 - 从而设计自己的花手镯!

If you don't want to make your own, simply glue the flowers to a boughten corsage bracelet.如果你不想让你自己的,只是粘花一买来的胸花手镯。

See several types of corsage wrist bracelets pictured at the bottom of this page. 见胸花手腕几种类型的手镯图在网页底部的。

Attach a bow or lightly scrunch some OASIS Sisal (which is a very fine colorful thin wire) and clamp the tines of the corsage bracelet onto it.附上一张弓或轻轻揉皱的一些绿洲剑麻(这是一个很好的彩色细线),打击到它的胸花手链的齿。

You now have a base to glue your flowers into.您现在有一个基础,以胶水把你的花。

>If you like, glue in a few corsage leaves, then add the main flowers. “如果你愿意,在少数胸花叶胶,然后添加的主要花卉。 It is better is you use smaller flower heads like sweetheart roses or spray roses than the larger standard rose heads.这是更好的是你使用像情人玫瑰或低于标准喷玫瑰大花头小玫瑰头。

Start in the center, glue down your largest and main flower.在中心启动,胶水降低您的{zd0}和主花。 Keep adding more flower heads from the center out.继续增加从中心更多花头。 Lay and point your flower heads outward as you glue. Lay和点你的花头,你向外胶水。

Don't Overdo the Glue!! 不要过分的胶水!

I prefer to squirt the glue on a disposable plate rather than use it straight out of the tube.我喜欢喷在一次性盘子的胶水,而不是用它直接出管。 This allows you to keep the tube tightly closed as much as possible.这可以让你管紧闭尽可能。 This will keep your glue tube cleaner and prevent clogging.这将保持你的胶水管清洁,防止堵塞。

Dip the bottom of each flower into the pool of glue.浸花的每一个底部进入胶池。 Keep adding flowers from the middle of the corsage out until you have a nice shaped corsage.不断从胸花中加入了花朵,直到你有一个好形胸花。 Use only small amounts of glue - too much and your corsage will look messy.仅使用少量胶水 - 太多和你的胸花看起来凌乱。 You will know you're using too much if your flowers slid off rather than sticks.你会知道你使用太多,如果你花滑出,而不是支。

Finish with some sprigs of filler such as babies' breath or wax flower.完成,如婴儿的呼吸或蜡花一些填料斯普格斯。 Set this one aside to dry as you start another corsage.设置此一一边干你开始另一个胸花。 Adhesive usually sets up in 5 to 10 minutes.胶粘剂通常设置在5至10分钟。

I must admit - I'm a florist that it took me some convincing to use this method.我必须承认 - 我是一个花店是我花了一些令人信服的使用此方法。 When I showed fellow employees in the flower shop how to make a wrist corsage in this easy way - we started whipping out them in no time for high volume periods such as proms and weddings.当我发现在花店同胞雇员如何在这简单的方法手腕胸花 - 我们在没有开始鞭刑,如舞会和婚礼的时间进行大批量的时期他们。

OASIS Sisal 绿洲剑麻

Didn't this make an elegant wrist corsage?难道这不是做一个优雅的手腕胸花?

More OASIS.更多绿洲丰富多彩胸花别针完成。

Spray the finished corsage (after the adhesive has dried) with a flower sealer.喷雾完成的胸花(干了后胶)与一花封口机。 Let it dry and then place it in the refrigerator.让干燥,然后放在冰箱里。 Be sure not to put too close to the back where it is colder and the flowers may freeze.一定不要把太接近背部的地方是寒冷,花可能会冻结。

There is certainly more complicated directions on making a wristlet - but none easier or faster!当然还有更复杂的方向上作出护腕 - 但都不容易或更快! You should be able to finish all your corsages in a much quicker time than if you were to tape and wire each stem individually!您应该能够完成在更快的时间比,如果你到磁带和钢丝每个单独干所有的胸花!

How to Wear a Wrist Corsage 如何佩戴护腕胸花

Traditionally, a wrist corsage is worn on the left wrist.传统上,手腕上佩戴胸花是左手腕。 If the flowers have a definite direction, the flower heads should be pointed up towards the elbow.如果有一个明确的方向,花,花头应当指出了对肘部。

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