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为什么不如肉鱼容易« Live in China 混在中国

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-07-03 浏览:151









Why is worse than the meat easier to fish

I found that my family loves meat, no fish or bad, put a few days, the meat is no issue. However, raising the fish in the water to die first, and how this happened

easier to fish than meat bad for many reasons.

(1) possession of fish gills and internal organs rot fungi are numerous and easily. Upon the death of fish, these parts of the bacteria multiply rapidly at once, and through the gill and spine edge of large blood vessels along the vessel will soon stretch muscle tissue. It was checked just to kill the fish and newly dead fish found in fish is not sterile. A two fish, there are 5000 to 16000 bacteria, their main source of gills, showing that the multiplication of bacteria s rapid development. On the contrary, Meat (pigs, cattle, sheep) are generally slaughtered bled, and immediately cut open to the dirty, reducing the chance of bacterial contamination. The examination also proved that a healthy Meat is sterile.

(2) fish, a small amount of loose connective tissue is divided into many small muscles, the bacteria can easily invade along the muscles loose organization of space. On the contrary, Meat is hard, dense connective tissue (the tendon) into a bunch of a bunch of siege, the bacteria are less likely to invade muscle. If the fish had been wounded when captured, then the bacteria from the wound into the muscles more easily. This behavior can occur while the domestic animal relatively small.

(3) fish, sugar content normally only 0.3%, while the Meat is usually over 1%. Animal s death, the meat of the sugar that is converted into lactic acid, so that increased acidity in the meat and place stiff stiffen. Increased acidity and meat rigid inhibit bacterial growth have played a role. Fish due to less sugar, it also produces less lactic acid, meat acidity, and stiffness is not the time to maintain and Meat. Stiffness during the fish quickly disappeared into the autolysis phase (protein decomposition stage), in order to create the conditions for the growth of bacteria.

(4) and the cold-water micro-organisms belonging to more micro-organisms (especially micro-organisms in the sea). So, after the death of the fish from the water, even if the breeding place slowly at low temperatures.

For these various reasons, so fish easier than Meat bad. In order to slow down the decay process of the fish, the family, they go and buy fish, due after the scales, gills, guts, blood and mucus washed with water, the stomach with a Xiaogun distraction, hanging in a cool, ventilated, or the refrigerator , and processed and preserved, or cooked in time to do cooking.

because of the delicate fish, fish contains a variety of in vivo protein decomposition enzymes.
, therefore, be able to fast break down fish proteins and other substances Kan Yang.
Therefore, the fish than meat, easy to bad!05-01-11

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