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JimJones(trad.arr.byBobDylan)吉姆·琼斯_天涯博客_有见识的人都在此_ ...

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-04-27 浏览:304

  Jim Jones (trad. arr. by Bob Dylan) 吉姆琼斯
  专辑《Good As I Been To You (1992)》
  Come and listen for a moment, lads, /夫人,来听一会儿
  And hear me tell my tale. /听我讲讲我的故事。
  How across the sea from England /怎样从英格兰横越海洋
  I was condemned to sail. /我被定罪去航行。
  Now the jury found me guilty,/陪审团找到我的罪过,
  Then says the judge, says he, /于是法官发话,他说
  "Oh, for life, Jim Jones, I'm sending you /“哦为了保命,吉姆琼斯,我送你
  Across the stormy sea./穿越海上的风暴。
  But take a tip before you ship /上船前,你得带点小费
  To join the iron gang. /给你要加入的钢铁军团。
  Don't get too gay in Botany Bay,/在波特尼海湾(注:库克船长于1770年首次在此登上澳洲大陆)别太放纵,
  Or else you'll surely hang. /否则肯定绞死你。
  Or else you'll surely hang," says he. /否则肯定绞死你,”他说。
  "And after that, Jim Jones, /“之后,吉姆琼斯,
  It's high above on the gallows tree /海湾高出搭绞架的树,
  The crows will pick your bones."/人群会捡拾你的骨头。”
  And our ship was high upon the sea /我们的船到了海上
  Then pirates came along, /海盗跟了上来,
  But the soldiers on our convict ship /但是我们囚犯船的士兵们
  Were full five hundred strong. /都身强力壮。
  For they opened fire and somehow drove /他们开火乱打一通
  That pirate ship away./海盗船逃了。
  But I'd rather have joined that pirate ship /但是我宁愿加入那条海盗船
  Tan gone to Botany Bay. /一起驶向波特尼海湾。
  With the storms ragin' round us, /我们身边巨浪滔天,
  And the winds a-blowin' gale, /狂风呼号,
  I'd rather have drowned in misery /我深陷惨境中
  Than gone to New South Wales./到了南威尔士(注:在澳大利亚)
  Now it's day and night and the irons clang, /白天晚上镣铐玎珰,
  And like poor galley slaves /像穷困的奴隶
  We toil and toil, and when we die /我们劳作再劳作,我们
  Must fill dishonored graves, /必须填满被受耻辱的墓穴才能死去。
  And it's by and by I'll slip my chains, /不久后,我拖着枷锁,
  Well, into the bush I'll go /啊,逃进了灌木丛
  And I'll join the bravest rankers there, /在那里,我将是勇敢的逃犯,
  Jack Donohue and co. /就像杰克唐纳休和他的伙伴。(注)
  And some dark night, when everything /在一个漆黑的夜晚,城里
  Is silent in the town /万籁俱寂
  I'll shoot those tyrants one and all,/我要枪 击所有的暴君,
  I'll gun the flogger down. /我要射 杀鞭打者。
  Oh, I'll give the land a little shock, /哦,我要让土地来点震动,
  Remember what I say, /记住我说的话,
  And they'll yet regret they've sent Jim Jones /他们还会后悔,让吉姆琼斯
  In chains to Botany Bay./带着枷锁去波特尼湾。

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