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39种包装将实行市场准入Q报告没有标记的食品袋不能安装« Reuse world

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-05-18 浏览:298





三个一整天在塑料袋,快餐盒,一次性托马斯巷包装食物。早上吃早餐,经常有一个塑料袋包装的气味,无快餐盒中午吃饭请不要地址,高汤一杯立法站不住脚的,一勺子舀汤严重变形。 “明不知道质量保证也没办法,我们还必须参加这么多的便利,总不应该携带一个饭盒,携带着它。”陈先生无奈地说。








今年年初,食品品质的塑料包装产品制造商国务院人口普查显示,中国目前的食品塑料超过3700的企业,其中只有不到10个小企业有1100多家,总营业百分之包装产品近1 / 3。许多小企业设备简陋,生产过程质量控制的缺乏。一些企业牟取非法利益,不生产,使用再造物料,如食品包装产品。







省级质量监督部门表示,消费者购买的食品和塑料食品包装,容器,工具等产品所使用的设备,有必要确定的“Q报告包装”的迹象。 06.9.4

39 kinds of packaging to be implemented market access is not marked QS bag of food can not be installed

The future, plastic bags, disposable口杯, appliances, etc. If there are no快餐盒printed on the sign (food quality and safety market access signs), will not be allowed to used for food. Journalist from the provincial quality supervision bureau was informed that the AQSIQ will soon start the 39 kinds of food containers such as plastic packaging or products, market access system, poor quality, harmful food packaging material will not be used for food packaging.

market situation

food packaging, people do not trust

Although disposable food packaging materials do not trust most people, but consumers sometimes避不开also want to avoid. Mr.

single three meals a day all packed in plastic bags,快餐盒, one-off Thomas Lane. The morning to eat breakfast regularly have a plastic bag packaging smell, midday meals without快餐盒Make no address, a thin soup cup legislation untenable, one ladle soup spoon serious deformation. Mr. Chen says with exasperation.

Wang Mother on food packaging is also skeptical about the daily running markets, carry home cooked food packaging bags are used are so she does not rest assured that warm duck, sirloin cooked in a thin, etc. There is no security thin plastic signs, I do not know will not release toxic chemicals. Journalist

Dongmen Market today to Haikou, Haikou sea Kendong asking farmers market, etc., 1.5 per plastic bag in general can buy over 20, one-time cup of money can buy 23 yuan 10. In these bags and containers stalls selling a one-time口杯, bowls, saucers and other large only in the packaging simple and address of manufacturer marked, plastic bags are more of products, and the majority of shares have irritating smell.

stalls boss said that the majority of bags and containers are produced by local enterprises in Hainan, sell well in markets selling vegetables, selling cooked food, the stalls selling fish directly from them to cargo.

compared with the farmers markets, Haikou mall food supermarket plastic packaging, containers, etc. are safer. Journalist visits found that supermarket shopping mall food plastic packaging, containers, etc. Most products are specified in an overpack Make site hygiene license logo, the implementation of standards and other information. Products also indicate high-grade materials are selected, non-toxic, tasteless, after heat sterilization treatment, and not in the case of heating the release of toxic substances. However, when asked by reporters how the sales of these products to ensure quality, the sales staff did not answer.

authoritative data

六成food packaging have hidden safety problems

comprehensive utilization of resources, according to China Packaging Committee expert analysis of data shows that about 60% of food packaging materials have security hidden, the data alarming.

the beginning of this year, the state department of food quality plastic packaging products manufacturer census showed that Chinas current food plastic packaging products of more than 3700 enterprises, of which less than 10 small businesses have more than 1,100 percent of the total business of nearly 1 / 3. Many small businesses with inadequate facilities, lack of production process quality control. Some enterprises to obtain illegal profits, the production of non-use of recycled materials such as food packaging products.

, according to experts, the production of further food hygiene one loaded with low-grade plastic bags, bacterial level is exceeded immediately. Food contact materials and low-grade infection although, unlike viruses, bacteria, as for consumers caused by immediate physical harm, but these products in the long-term repeated use, the toxic and harmful substances will migrate to food, through the consumption of the accumulation of chronic poisoning, of children and young people particularly to the disadvantage of growth and development. Low-grade heat such as lunch boxes or grease will release carcinogenic, pathogenic chemicals.

dynamic industry

food packaging market access must be

according to AQSIQ notice requirements included in the first batch to paste sign.

It is reported that AQSIQ will first start in the near future 39 kinds of plastic food packaging, containers and tools, such as products, the market access system. The next two years, and gradually to the metal, paper, ceramics and all other food packaging materials, containers, tools and other products to implement the market access system. By then, the relevant product manufacturing enterprises must be approved by the quality inspection departments to review in order to produce qualified.

reporter was informed that the enterprise applications market access provisions of the transitional period will be country specific transitional period will be announced. After the end of the transition period, for failure to obtain access to the production enterprises will be banned. To obtain access to the enterprise, quality inspection departments to further strict supervision to ensure that their products pass the quality and stability.

provincial quality supervision department said consumers purchase food and equipment used in plastic food packaging, containers, tools and other products, it is necessary to identify the packaging of the sign. (06-9-4)

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