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Guangzhou digital meridian treatment equipment manufacturers

作者:Guangzhou Minsheng Medical Technology Co., Ltd. 来源:mingsheng 发布时间:2019-10-05 浏览:738
Guangzhou digital meridian treatment equipment manufacturers

    Digital meridian therapy instrument is the latest generation of health care products developed by modern microelectronics technology according to the principles of physics, bionics, bioelectricity and meridian theory of traditional Chinese medicine combined with a large number of clinical practices. It not only has acupuncture and moxibustion, pounding, massage, cupping, massage, scraping, slimming and other functions, but also has a unique immune regulation function, and the original development of room temperature infrared spectrum electrode, so that the therapeutic effect is more in-depth, more profound, the effect is more beautiful.

    Digital meridian therapy instrument is the latest generation of health care products developed by modern microelectronics technology according to the principles of physics, bionics, bioelectricity and meridian theory of traditional Chinese medicine combined with a large number of clinical practices. It not only has acupuncture and moxibustion, pounding, massage, cupping, massage, scraping, slimming and other functions, but also has a unique immune regulation function, and the original development of room temperature infrared spectrum electrode, so that the therapeutic effect is more in-depth, more profound, the effect is more beautiful.

    Guangzhou digital meridian treatment equipment manufacturers have first-class production technology, welcome to visit the negotiation!

Contact: manager Chen

Telephone: 020-86037028

Hand machine: 13711650085

The true: 020-36034455

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