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导火线是什么材料的? « Live in China 混在中国

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-04-15 浏览:274









点按保护形式可分为:过电流保护和热保护。对于过流保护保险丝是一个不寻常的保险丝(也称为限流熔断器已知)。保险丝的过热保护,一般称为“温度保险丝”之称。温度保险丝分为低熔点合金与温度型触发形状记忆合金形,所以有。 (温度保险丝是防止发热电器或电加热温度过高,易维护,如:吹风机,熨斗,电饭煲,电烤炉,变压器,电动机等,它作出反应温度的升高在电力崛起不关心的工作电流电路的体积。工作原理不同于“限流熔断器”。)











What fuse materials from?

fuse made of what material?

made of low melting point alloy.

how the construction of fuse? What is the effectiveness of each? What demands?

generally fuse consists of three parts: one part of the melt, which is the core of the fuse, fuse cut off the current when you play the role of the same class, the same size fuse melts, material has to be the same geometry to be the same resistor values as small as possible and to be consistent, the most important characteristic is the fuse should be the same; second electrode parts, usually two, which is the melt of the key components and circuit connections, it must have good electrical conductivity, not should result in the installation of clear contact resistance; third stent section, the fuse melts are generally soft, thin, and the role of stents is to melt and make the three parts of a rigid fixation of the whole easy to install, use, it must have a good mechanical strength, insulation, heat resistance and flame resistance, in use should not result in fracture, deformation, burning, and short-circuit such phenomena;

electrical circuits and high-power devices use fuses, not only has a general fuse 3 parts, but also the interrupter device, because this kind of fuse protected operating current of the circuit is not only larger, but also occurs when the melt when the fuse at both ends of the voltage is also high, often there has been melted melt (fuse) and even have been vaporized, but the current is not cut off, the reason is the moment in the fuse in the voltage and current under the action of the fuse between the two electrodes arcing phenomenon. The interrupter device must have a strong and very good insulation thermal conductivity, and negative electrical. Quartz sand that is commonly used interrupter material.

In addition, there are some instructions fuse with fuse unit, and its role is when the fuse action (fuse) must occur after the appearance of its own changes, ease of maintenance personnel has been found, for example: light, color, pop-up indicators, and so solid .

Click here to view the structure of common fuse indicate. What are the types of


points according to forms of protection can be divided into: over-current protection and thermal protection. The fuse for overcurrent protection is not an unusual that fuses (also known as current-limiting fuses). Fuse for overheat protection, generally known as thermal fuse. Temperature fuse is divided into low melting point alloy-shaped with a temperature triggered shape memory alloy-shaped, and so there is. (Temperature fuse is to prevent the heating appliances or electrical heating temperature is too high and easy to protect, such as: hair dryer, iron, rice cookers, electric ovens, transformers, motors, etc.; it to respond to the increase of temperature rise in electrical power do not care about the size of the circuit operating current. The working principle is different from current-limiting fuses .)

by use of points, can be divided into: power fuses, fuse machine tools, electrical meter fuse (electronic fuse), automotive fuse.

by volume integral can be divided into: large, medium, small and micro.

according to rated voltage points, can be divided into: High-voltage fuses, low voltage fuse and safety fuse.

breaking capacity by sub-points, can be divided into: High and Low breaking capacity fuses.

according to shape, can be divided into: flat head tube fuse (fuse can be divided into inside and outside welding welding fuses), pointed tube fuses, guillotine-type fuses, screw-type fuses, plug-piece fuses, flat type fuses, wrapped deposited type fuses, SMD fuses.

speed by fusing points, can be divided into: Special Slow Fuse (usually indicated by TT), slow fuse (usually indicated by T), medium-speed fuses (generally indicated with M), fast fuse (usually indicated by F) , Very Fast Fuse (usually indicated by FF).

standard hours can be divided into: European regulatory fuses, the U.S. regulatory fuses, fuse sundial.

generally fuse consists of three parts: one part of the melt, which is the core of the fuse, fuse cut off the current when you play the role of the same class, the same size fuse melts, material To the same geometry to the same resistance value as small as possible and to be consistent, the most important characteristic is the fuse should be the same; second electrode parts, usually two, which is the melt of the key components and circuit connections, it must be has good conductivity, the installation should not result in significant contact resistance; third stent section, the fuse melts are generally soft, thin, and the role of stents is to melt and make the three parts of a rigid fixation of the overall ease of installation, to use, it must have good mechanical strength, insulation, heat resistance and flame resistance, in use should not result in breakage, deformation, burning, and short-circuit such phenomena;

electrical circuits and high-power devices used in fuse is not only fuse the three parts of a general, but also the interrupter device, because this kind of fuse protected operating current of the circuit is not only larger, but also occurs when the melt when the fuse at both ends of the voltage is also high, often appear fused body has been melting (fusing), and even has been vaporized, but the current is not cut off, the reason is the moment in the fuse in the voltage and current under the action of the fuse between the two electrodes arcing phenomenon. The interrupter device must have a strong and very good insulation thermal conductivity, and negative electrical. Quartz sand that is commonly used interrupter material.

In addition, there are some instructions fuse with fuse unit, and its role is when the fuse action (fuse) must occur after the appearance of its own changes, ease of maintenance personnel has been found, for example: light, color, pop-up indicators, and so solid .

by lead, zinc, aluminum, according to different ratio and the current size of the composition of different diameter wire. Is also useful under the current size of the copper wire made of different diameters.04-12-15

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