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The origins of its name to Kentucky Fried Chicken fast-food ...

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-04-28 浏览:263

Category:catering food

KFC is a human life, or place names.

KFC is the worlds largest fast-food fried chicken chain, Kentucky Fried Chicken KFC mark is in English Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is an abbreviation, it has become the universally acclaimed worldwide famous brand.

1930, the Kentucky Fried Chicken founder Harland. Sandoz in his home state of Kentucky opened a restaurant. In the meantime, Sandoz painstaking research new ways of fried chicken, and finally succeeded in inventing a 11 kinds of spices and cooking techniques unique to the synthesis recipe, its unique taste deeply welcomed by customers, restaurants, business is becoming increasingly prosperous, secret follow the so far. Kentucky In recognition of his contribution to his hometown, conferred upon him the honorary title of Colonel Sanders.

Colonel Sanders suit and a gray-haired and bearded image of the goat has become an international brand KFC the best symbol.

Colonel Sanderss success began in his 40-year-old gas station in Corbin, Kentucky, when operating. In order to increase revenue, he began to produce their own kinds of snacks available to passing visitors, because of his reputation for cooking food in the past has attracted tourists, business slow and steady growth since then. In a growing reputation at the same time, the then Governor Ruby Laffon Kentucky awarded him in 1935 as a Kentucky Colonel in recognition of his contributions to Kentucky dining.

Colonels most popular products, it is experienced by the Colonel, after decades of study, using magic to reconcile out of 11 kinds of spices recipe cooking made, it is sucking that after tasting aftertaste.

delicious fried chicken, though attracted many admiring customers. However, traditional methods of fried chicken Queshi customers must wait 30 minutes before they can eat. By 1939, this problem shows the Colonel visited a pressure cooker, when answered. Colonel buy a pressure cooker to go home, do all the cooking time, pressure and refueling experiments, finally found a unique way of fried chicken. The under pressure out of the deep-fried chicken he had tasted the most delicious fried chicken, KFC has maintained that the use of a pressure cooker recipe.

Colonels cause was facing a crisis in the mid-1950s, and his Sanders Cafe restaurant located next to the road was adopted by the new highway, making he had sold the restaurant. The colonel was already 66 years old, but he felt the young without having to live on social welfare payments, and this has become a turning point in his career.

Colonel with his 1946 Ford Chupin old car, carrying his 11 kinds of spices recipe and his right-hand man - began to Sheung pressure cooker. He went to Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants throughout the state will be fried chicken recipe and method of sale to interested restaurants. In 1952, set up in Salt Lake City is authorized to operate the first KFC restaurant building. What is surprising is that in just five years, Colonel in the United States and Canada has been the development of 400 chain stores, which is joining the worlds food franchise start.

KFC: Kentucky Fried Chicken, referred to as KFC
another way of saying yes Kentucky Fastfood Co.
Reference: http:///kfccda/aboutus/founder.aspx


类别: 餐饮食品


肯德基是世界{zd0}的炸鸡快餐连锁企业,肯德基的标记 KFC 是英文Kentucky Fried Chicken (肯德基炸鸡)的 缩写, 它已在全球范围内成为有口皆碑的zm品牌。

1930 年,肯德基的创始人哈兰 . 山德士在家乡美国肯德基州开了一家餐厅。在此期间, 山德士潜心研究炸鸡的新方法,终于成功地发明了有十一种香料和特有烹调技术合成的秘方,其独特的口味深受顾客的欢迎, 餐厅生意日趋兴隆, 秘方沿袭至今。肯德基州为了表彰他为家乡作出的贡献, 授予他山德士上校的荣誉称号。

山德士上校一身西装, 满头白发及山羊胡子的形象,已成为肯德基国际品牌的{zj0}象征。

山德士上校的成功起始于他 40岁在肯德基州经营Corbin 加油站时。为了增加营收,他开始自己制作各式小吃,提供给路过的旅客,因为他烹煮美食的名声吸引了过往的旅客,生意自此缓慢稳定的成长。在声誉日增的同时,当时的肯德基州长 Ruby Laffon 于1935 年授予他为肯德基上校, 以表彰他对肯德基州餐饮的贡献。

上校最zm的拿手菜, 就是他精心研制发明的炸鸡。这是德基现今{zshy}的产品,它是由上校在经历十年的钻研后,用调和出的神奇十一种香料配方烹制而成, 令人品尝后吮指回味。

美味的炸鸡虽然吸引了众多慕名而来的顾客。然而,传统的炸鸡方法却使顾客必须等待三十分钟才可享用美食。到了1939 年,这个难题在上校参观一个压力锅展示时得到解答。上校购买一个压力锅回家,做了各项有关烹煮时间、压力和加油的实验后,终于发现一种独特的炸鸡方法。这个在压力下所炸出来的炸鸡是他所尝过的最美味的炸鸡,至今肯德基炸鸡仍维持这项使用压力锅的妙方。

上校的事业在1950年代中期面临一个危机,他的 Sanders Cafe 餐厅所在地旁的道路被新建的高速公路所通过, 使得他不得不售出这个餐厅。当时的上校已 66 岁, 但他自觉尚年轻,不需靠社会福利金过日子,而这反而成了他事业的转机。

上校用他那 1946 年出品的福特老车,载着他的十一种香料配方及他的得力助手压力锅开始上路。他到印第安州、俄亥俄州及肯德基州各地的餐厅,将炸鸡的 配方及方法出售给有兴趣的餐厅。1952年设立在盐湖城的sg被授权经营的肯德基餐厅建立。令人惊讶的是,在短短五年内, 上校在美国及加拿大已发展有 400 家的连锁店, 这便是世界上餐饮加盟特许经营的开始。

肯德基:Kentucky Fried Chicken,简称KFC
另一种说法是Kentucky Fastfood Co.

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