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2月14日,距离拿下BAFTA(英国电影和电视艺术学院奖)最佳摄影师头衔仅过去数小时,ASC/AMC摄影师艾曼努尔·卢贝兹基(Emmanuel Lubezki)就在洛杉矶举行的第30届美国电影摄影师协会奖颁奖礼上斩获电影院线类别最高奖项。两次获奖缘自同一部作品,那就是由亚利桑德罗·伊纳里图(Alejandro Inarritu)执导的《还魂者》,本片使用ARRI Rental提供的ALEXA XT、ALEXA M与ALEXA 65摄影机搭配Prime 65以及ARRI/ZEISS Master Prime镜头拍摄。



在电影长片类别中获得提名的还有ASC/BSC摄影师罗杰·迪金斯(Roger Deakins),提名影片《边境杀手》;贾努兹·卡明斯基(Janusz Kaminski),提名影片《间谍之桥》;ASC摄影师爱德华•拉奇曼(Ed Lachman),提名影片《卡萝尔》;以及ASC/ACS摄影师约翰•希尔(John Seale),提名影片《疯狂的麦克斯:狂暴之路》。

ASC/HFS摄影师万亚·塞乌(Vanja Cernjul)因为拍摄电视剧常规剧集获得了杰出成就奖,获奖作品是Netflix出品的《马可波罗》的其中一集“第四步”。这是塞乌的首次获奖,之前他曾因拍摄HBO出品的剧集《无聊至死》(2012)获得过提名。在常规剧集单元获得提名的还有CSC摄影师戴维·格林(David Greene),提名作品是Syfy电视网《12只猴子》的“精神分歧”;克里斯托弗·诺尔(Christopher Norr),提名作品是FOX剧集《哥谭》的“打击力量”;ASC/AIC摄影师克里斯岑佐·诺塔莱尔(Crescenzo Notarile),提名作品同样来自FOX剧集《哥谭》,他的这一集名叫“刻痕”;以及BSC 摄影师法比安·瓦格纳(Fabian Wagner),提名作品是HBO剧集《权力的游戏》的“艰难堡”。

CSC摄影师皮埃尔·吉尔(Pierre Gill)早在2004年就因为《希特勒:恶魔的复活》赢得过美国电影摄影师协会奖项,他还因为2000年的《圣女贞德》和2014年的《波吉亚家族》获得过表彰。在这个类别获得提名的还有马丁·埃尔格伦(Martin Ahlgren)的《盲点》首播集(NBC出品)、詹姆斯·霍金森(James Hawkinson)的《高堡奇人》首播集(亚马逊出品)、ASC摄影师杰弗瑞·朱尔(Jeffrey Jur)的《贝茜》(HBO出品)以及罗曼·拉科巴斯(Romain Lacourbas)的《马可波罗》首播集(Netflix出品)。

亚当·阿卡珀(Adam Arkapaw)与马特亚斯·厄德利(Mátyás Erdély)并列获得聚光灯奖,这一奖项专门用来表彰在国际电影节或部分院线上映的长片作品的优秀摄影师。阿卡珀的获奖作品是《麦克白》(使用ALEXA拍摄),厄德利的获奖作品是《索尔之子》(使用ARRICAM、ARRIFLEX 235搭配ARRI/ZEISS Master Prime镜头拍摄)。两位摄影师都是首次提名、首次获奖。在这个类别获得提名的摄影师还有凯瑞·福永(Cary Joji Fukunaga),提名作品《无境之兽》。

奥斯卡获奖化妆师露易丝·伯薇尔(Lois Burwell)将美国电影摄影师协会终身成就奖颁给了她的丈夫——ASC摄影师约翰·托尔(John Toll),托尔凭借爱德华·兹威克(Edward Zwick)的《燃情岁月》和梅尔·吉布森(Mel Gibson)的《勇敢的心》在1995和1996年连续赢下奥斯卡小金人,1999年,他还因为拍摄泰伦斯·马力克(Terrence Malick)的《细细的红线》获得第三次学院奖提名。他拍摄过的众多作品还包括《造雨人》、《几近成名》、《香草天空》、《失踪的宝贝》、《热带惊雷》、《命运规划局》、《云图》、《钢铁侠3》等等以及即将上映的李安的新片《比利·林恩漫长的中场休息》。托尔在致辞中说:“如果不是因为有那么一点点疯狂,我们的梦想不会成真。”

ASC摄影师比尔·本奈特(Bill Bennett)因他对摄影艺术与美国电影摄影师协会的重要贡献获得了“ASC协会主席奖”,颁奖嘉宾是ASC摄影师朗·德克斯特(Ron Dexter)。本奈特参与过超过1000条电视广告的制作,因为在汽车广告片中的创新工作,他被大家热情地称作"那个拍汽车的人"。同时,本奈特也是ARRIFLEX 435摄影机设计团队中的重要一员。本奈特说:“很久以前,当我还是一个要在这个行业里争取立足的年轻摄影师时,我从未想过有一天能受邀来参加ASC协会的颁奖礼,更不敢奢望这个杰出协会里众多富有艺术眼光的先生和女士们会将这个奖颁发给我。”

“芽石荣誉奖”授予了索尼娱乐公司负责资产管理、电影修复与数字母带制作的执行副总裁格罗弗·克里斯普(Grover Crisp),设立这个奖项的目的是奖励为协会提供了优秀服务与/或为电影工业做出了杰出贡献的美国电影摄影师协会联盟会员。

ASC摄影师罗威尔·彼得森(Lowell Peterson)收获了电视奖旗下的职业生涯成就奖,颁奖嘉宾是吉娜·罗德里格斯(Gina Rodriguez)。他获得艾美奖提名的作品是HBO的《六尺之下》,获得美国电影摄影师协会奖提名的是电视电影《问我的孩子》以及电视剧集《重生机会》与《罪行再现》。彼得森的作品还包括有《处女孕事》、《如此一家人》、《绝望的主妇》、《客户》、《绳结登陆》等。

在颁奖礼上首次出现了纪念环节,最近过世的摄影师例如维尔莫斯·齐格蒙德(Vilmos Zigmond)、哈斯克尔·韦克斯勒(Haskell Wexler)、安德鲁·莱斯涅(Andrew Lesnie)等,他们为电影艺术做出的巨大贡献赢得了行业的尊敬。

美国电影摄影师协会将“董事会奖”授予了导演雷德利·斯科特(Ridley Scott),颁奖嘉宾是获得过奥斯卡最佳女配角的吉娜·戴维斯(Geena Davis)。雷德利·斯科特是一位享誉盛名的电影人,他曾因《黑鹰坠落》(2001)、《角斗士》(2000)和《末路狂花》(1991)获得过奥斯卡最佳导演提名,他近期的作品有叫好又叫座的大片《火星救援》、《法老与众神》、《黑金杀机》与《普罗米修斯》。斯科特通过视频短片领过了奖座,他一一感谢了与他合作过的每一位摄影指导,还引用了拿破仑关于视觉化沟通重要性的一句话:“一幅好的草图比长篇大论的演讲更有用。”


Hours after winning the Best Cinematography BAFTA in London on February 14th, Emmanuel 'Chivo' Lubezki ASC, AMC was presented with the top prize in the theatrical release category at the 30th Annual American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) Awards in Los Angeles. Both accolades recognize his work on Alejandro Inarritu's THE REVENANT, which was captured with ALEXA XT, ALEXA M and ALEXA 65 using Prime 65 lenses and ARRI/ZEISS Master Primes from ARRI Rental.

This marks the first time that a cinematographer has won three consecutive ASC Awards in the theatrical category, and makes Lubezki the only cinematographer to claim this prize five times. Lubezki won the prize the past two years for BIRDMAN OR (THE UNEXPECTED VIRTUE OF IGNORANCE) in 2015 and for GRAVITY in 2014. He won ASC Awards in 2012 for THE TREE OF LIFE and in 2007 for CHILDREN OF MEN.

“People talk about how brutal the movie is, the conditions. From my perspective, it was an amazing experience," said the DP as he accepted his award. "I think the most important thing was to have Alejandro — his passion, his incredibly energy. I think that’s what I'm going to remember most about the film. I share a big chunk of this award with him for taking me on this incredible journey and for being a great teacher and friend."

Other nominees in the feature film category were Roger Deakins, ASC, BSC for SICARIO, Janusz Kaminski for BRIDGE OF SPIES, Ed Lachman, ASC for CAROL, and John Seale, ASC, ACS for MAD MAX: FURY ROAD.

Vanja Cernjul, ASC, HFS won the Outstanding Achievement Award for a regular episode of a TV series. His win was for “The Fourth Step” episode of the Netflix series MARCO POLO. This is Cernjul’s first ASC Award. He was previously nominated for HBO’s BORED TO DEATH (2012). Other nominees in the episodic category were David Greene, CSC for Syfy’s 12 MONKEYS (“Mentally Divergent”), Christopher Norr for FOX’s GOTHAM (“Strike Force”), Crescenzo Notarile, ASC, AIC for GOTHAM (“Scarification”), and Fabian Wagner, BSC for HBO’s GAME OF THRONES (“Hardhome”).

Pierre Gill, CSC previously won an ASC Award in 2004 for HITLER: THE RISE OF EVIL, and has also received nods for JOAN OF ARC (2000) and THE BORGIAS (2014). Also nominated in the category were Martin Ahlgren for the BLINDSPOT pilot (NBC), James Hawkinson for THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE pilot (Amazon), Jeffrey Jur, ASC for BESSIE (HBO), and Romain Lacourbas for the MARCO POLO pilot (Netflix).

Adam Arkapaw and Mátyás Erdély tied for the ASC Spotlight Award. The Spotlight award recognizes outstanding cinematography in feature-length projects that are screened at festivals, internationally, or in limited theatrical release. Arkapaw won for MACBETH (captured on ALEXA) and Erdély won for SON OF SAUL (shot on ARRICAM and ARRIFLEX 235 with ARRI/ZEISS Master Primes). This was the first nomination and win for both cinematographers. Also nominated in this category was Cary Joji Fukunaga for BEASTS OF NO NATION.

Oscar®-winner Lois Burwell presented the ASC Lifetime Achievement Award to her husband John Toll, ASC. Toll won back-to-back Oscars® for his work on Edward Zwick’s LEGENDS OF THE FALL in 1995, and Mel Gibson’s BRAVEHEART in 1996. Toll received a third Academy Award® nomination for lensing Terrence Malick’s THE THIN RED LINE in 1999. His many credits include THE RAINMAKER, ALMOST FAMOUS, VANILLA SKY, GONE BABY GONE, TROPIC THUNDER, THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, CLOUD ATLAS, IRON MAN 3, and the upcoming Ang Lee film BILLY LYNN'S LONG HALFTIME WALK, among others. “We couldn’t do what we do if we weren’t just a little crazy," said Toll.

Bill Bennett, ASC was recognized with the ASC Presidents Award for his impressive cinematographic contributions and dedication to the ASC. The award was presented by Ron Dexter, ASC. Bennett has compiled well over 1,000 television commercial credits. Known affectionately by his peers as “The Car Guy” for his innovative work on automobile spots, Bennett was an instrumental part of the ARRIFLEX 435 design team. He continues to be an invaluable collaborator with ARRI in developing camera technology. Bennett said, "A long time ago, when I was a young cinematographer trying to make it in this business, I never dreamed that I would one day be invited to join the ASC. I certainly never conceived that this fine group of artistic gentlemen and women would choose me for this award."

The ASC Bud Stone Award of Distinction was given to Grover Crisp, EVP of asset management, film restoration and digital mastering at Sony Pictures Entertainment. The award is presented to an Associate ASC Member who has demonstrated extraordinary service to the society and/or has made a significant contribution to the motion picture industry.

Lowell Peterson, ASC took home the Career Achievement in Television Award, which was presented by Gina Rodriguez. His Emmy-nominated work includes HBO’s SIX FEET UNDER, and he earned ASC Award nominations for the telefilm JUST ASK MY CHILDREN, and the TV series SECOND CHANCES and PROFILER. Peterson’s credits include JANE THE VIRGIN, THE FOSTERS, DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, THE CLIENT, and KNOTS LANDING, and among others.

In the first-ever memorial tribute in the ceremony’s history, such recently passed cinematographers as Vilmos Zigmond, Haskell Wexler and Andrew Lesnie, among others, were acknowledged for their immense contributions to the craft.

The organization awarded director Ridley Scott its Board of Governors Award, which was presented by Academy Award®-winner Geena Davis. Scott is a renowned filmmaker honored with Best Director Oscar® nominations for his work on BLACK HAWK DOWN (2001), GLADIATOR (2000) and THELMA & LOUISE (1991). Scott’s most recent releases include the critically acclaimed box office phenomenon THE MARTIAN, EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS, THE COUNSELOR, and PROMETHEUS. Scott accepted the award via a video clip, thanking every DP by name he has every worked with. He quoted Napoleon regarding the importance of communicating visually, “a good sketch is better than a long speech.”

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